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Virginia SBDC

This is Not Business as Usual - Restaurant

Fri, Oct 16 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM
Facilitated by Virginia SBDC
Topic: Marketing and Sales

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Speaker(s): Marc Wilson, Small Business Strategist A published keynote speaker, Marc Willson brings 40 years of experience to bear helping retail, restaurant and tourism-related small businesses refine and promote their concepts to the public. Marc joined the SBDC in 2009 as a Retail and Restaurant Industry Strategist developing into a small business revivalist. He has traveled throughout the country delivering over 500 seminars and assisting over 3000 retailers, restaurants and hospitality businesses.

Fee: No Cost

U.S. Small Business Administration, George Mason University, and America's SBDC

All programs of the Virginia SBDC are open to the public on a non-discriminatory basis.
Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance.
Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.

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