Virginia SBDC
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SBDC Makes Connections for Small Businesses

This success story is not so much about significant economic impact as it is about an example of a team effort from local programs and citizens assisting a young entrepreneur get started in business. A community college student’s ultimate goal was to start his own business, and a rent-to-own business seemed to be among his thoughts most often. His vision was to rent and sell TVs VCRs sofas, a variety of furniture, appliances, computers, etc. While in a micro business development class, a local CPA took an interest in helping this young man him pursue his dream. At one point, the CPA introduced his protégé to the local SBDC for assistance in preparing a business plan.

During the SBDC meeting the question of a location was discussed and different ideas were mentioned. One idea was for him to talk with the Small Business Incubator to see if his business would be a good fit for the incubator. Although it appeared the incubator did not really fit in the owner’s marketing scheme, the manager connected him with a downtown building owner. She was encouraged by those helping the enthusiastic entrepreneur and she offered him her minimal rent figure during the company’s startup stage. As a result of the combined efforts of all parties mentioned, the new business owner moved into a 6,000 square feet building in August 2002. The building also has a 2,000 square feet basement to house the expansion of his inventory line.
Updated 10/2/2008 1:24:54 PM | BJohnson

U.S. Small Business Administration, George Mason University, and America's SBDC

All programs of the Virginia SBDC are open to the public on a non-discriminatory basis.
Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance.
Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.

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